Styleguide to Hotel Victorino de Almeida

H1 - h4 font type 'Roboto'

Headline class .title font type 'Brush'

Default text in font type 'Poppins'


And here our five default colors

primary secondary third fourth fifth

Icons Website

Use .icon-website-[name] and .display-4 for larger icon size


1 download

2 size

3 seat

4 child-friendly

5 child-care

6 arrow-right

7 arrow-left

8 arrow-up

9 arrow-down

10 chevron-up

11 chevron-right

12 chevron-left

13 chevron-down

14 sphere

15 globe

16 twitter

17 facebook

18 googleplus

19 video

20 menu

21 poi

22 hotel

23 outdoors

24 plus

25 lift

26 wheelchair

27 roomservice

28 chat

29 edit

30 like

31 dislike

32 dog

33 building

34 trees

35 train

36 bus

37 taxi

38 parking

39 images

40 luggage

41 photo-camera

42 credit-cards

43 currency

44 map

45 golf

46 bike

47 location

48 pillars

49 eye

50 non-smoking

51 sign

52 store

53 bag

54 label

55 time

56 calendar

57 info

58 chat-buble

59 support

60 gastronomy

61 coffee

62 bar

63 mobile

64 home

65 settings

66 trash-bin

67 write

68 paperclip

69 user

70 lock

71 link

72 headset

73 check

74 close

75 zoom

76 zoom-in

77 zoom-out

78 star

79 heart

80 clock

81 email

82 wifi

83 chart

84 share

85 24h-line

86 phone

87 file

88 book

89 visit-card

90 fax

91 microphone

Service Icons = facilities + hotel + rooms

Icons Facilities

Use .icon-service-facilities-[name]


1 building

2 church

3 amusement-park

4 history

5 train

6 hotel

7 satelite

8 outdoors

9 to-go-drink

10 lift

11 wheelchair

12 room-service

13 ice-bucket

14 chat

15 paper-pen

16 martiny-glass

17 taxi

18 dog

19 skyscrapper

20 trees

21 subway

22 bus

23 parking

24 cable-car

25 backpacker

26 walking-tours

27 video-camera

28 photos

29 suitcase

30 photo-camera

31 credit-cards

32 currency

33 map

34 compass

35 golf

36 bike-rental

37 location

38 search

39 small-church

40 points-of-interest

41 no-photos

42 eye

43 non-smoking

44 sign

45 store

46 bag

47 label

48 clock

49 calendar

50 information

51 call

52 chat-buble

53 support

54 gastronomy

55 coffee

56 cocktail-glas

57 flag

58 mobile

59 mobile-pointer

60 home

61 user

62 lock

63 headset

64 star

65 heart

66 time

67 email

68 chat-bubles

69 wifi

70 chart

71 share

72 24-hours-line

73 calling

74 phone

75 file

76 book

77 visitcard

78 fax

79 silence

80 sound

81 microphone

82 micro-out

83 shouting
Icons Hotel

Use .icon-service-hotel-[name] and .display-4 for larger icon size


1 air-conditioner

2 hairdryer

3 airport

4 suitcase

5 luggage

6 bathtub

7 bottle

8 bottle-cooler

9 breakfast

10 charge

11 atm

12 cleaner

13 cocktail

14 coffee-maker

15 coffee

16 credit-card

17 wheelchair

18 elevator

19 fire-detector

20 gym

21 fitness-center

22 24h

23 hand-hey

24 hotel

25 ironing

26 key

27 king-bed

28 lock-door

29 lock

30 laundry

31 baggage-cart

32 menu-card

33 no-smoking

34 parking

35 passport

36 patio-relax

37 pet

38 pillow

39 reception

40 receptionist

41 restaurant

42 room-clean

43 room-service-cart

44 room-service

45 safe-box

46 security

47 shower

48 shuttle

49 single-bed

50 slippers

51 smoke-detector

52 spa

53 stairs

54 swimming-pool

55 toilette-products

56 towels

57 wallet

58 wardrobe

59 washing-machine

60 wifi
Icons Rooms

Use .icon-service-rooms-[name] and .display-4 for larger icon size


1 baggage-cart

2 hanger

3 king-size-bed

4 buttler

5 radio

6 reception

7 sunlounger

8 swimmingpool

9 swimming

10 bathtub

11 extra-bed

12 twin-beds

13 bunker-beds

14 tv

15 gym

16 shower