Our Hotels in slider view
Block with smaller teaser with headline, subline, stars, text or address.
If more then 3 Hotels slider starts automatically.
For Hotel teaser without short description, we show the address block.
Hotel 1 headline- Lorem ipsum dolor subline
Lorem-ipsum-street No. 1 - 12345 Loremcity
+49 123 456 789
Hotel 2 headline- Lorem ipsum dolor subline
Hotel 2 teaser text with max two rows of Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem-ipsum-street No. 1 - 12345 Loremcity
+49 123 456 789
Hotel 3 headline- Lorem ipsum dolor subline
Hotel 3 teaser text with max two rows of Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem-ipsum-street No. 1 - 12345 Loremcity
+49 123 456 789